There are many reasons that you should go to your Dentist Dorchester on a regular basis. The dentist provides care for your teeth by screening you for cavities and other conditions that can cause damage to your teeth and gums. By seeing the dentist on a regular basis and having good oral hygiene, you can help to avoid many conditions in the mouth.
When you first visit your Family Dental Millville office, you will need to make sure that your arrive before your appointment. This will give you enough time to fill out your paperwork and give your insurance information. You will be asked questions about your health and the medications that you take. It can be helpful for you to bring your regular medications with you so that you are able to provide accurate information.
When you have finished all of your paperwork, you will go back to have your teeth cleaned. The hygienist will thoroughly clean your teeth and floss them. They will also use a special polishing tool that removes any leftover stains and helps to bring out the whiteness and shine to the teeth.
This process is not just for aesthetic appeal. It also helps the dentist to be able to better see the teeth so that he or she can see if there are any cavities, areas of decay or any damage. After this process, you will have a series of X-rays so that any hidden problems can be revealed.
When the Dentist Dorchester comes into the room, he or she will look over your X-rays, to find any damage, infection or decay. This is the best way for the dentist to be able to spot any issues that can be overlooked with a simple exam.
Your dentist will also use a special tool that helps him or her to be able to test for soft spots in the teeth. This helps to test for any signs of decay, long before pain is felt. If the dentist see any areas of concern, you will most likely need a filling.
By seeing your Dentist Dorchester twice a year, you can help to avoid cavities and other conditions that can cause lasting damage to your teeth. You can do your part as well, by brushing your teeth and flossing each day.