Treatments for Herpes – Things You Need to Know

by | Oct 16, 2013 | Healthcare

Screenshot from 2013-10-16 17:19:16Herpes is a virus that presents with two families of the virus. Herpes Simplex 1 and Herpes Simplex 2 are the two families. This virus is more prevalent than you might think and more dangerous as well. There are many strains of this virus and some are only just being discovered. All herpes strains are infectious and can be transmitted simply by touching a door handle after an infected person.This is only one reason it’s so important to find effective treatments for herpes.

It’s crucial to find effective treatments since this virus and all its strains are being connected to other diseases and illnesses that present later in life. The following will cover some facts about herpes and how a good detox program can help strengthen your immune system which can effectively get rid of the virus that may be lying dormant in your body right now.

What causes herpes?

Both oral and genital herpes are caused by the type 1 (related to oral) or type 2 (related to genital) virus. Type 1 is the most common form of herpes and about 50 to 80 percent of Americans will experience a case of this virus. It’s believed that a weak or compromised immune system allows the virus to present and remain in the body for years. Flareups can happen off and on over the years and can lead to other serious illnesses or diseases.

What are the risk factors?

Compromised immune system is a major risk factor of getting herpes. It can be spread from hand-to-hand contact, sexual contact, and any other physical contact since it’s highly infectious. Females tend to have a higher risk of getting herpes, but men can also be affected. A history of sexually transmitted disease(s), unprotected sex, kissing, and a newborn being exposed to genital herpes during pregnancy or birth are all risk factors for increasing the occurrence of this virus.

Can herpes be treated naturally?

It would seem that conventional medicine only treats symptoms in most cases so the virus remains in your body until the next flareup. You should also be aware that this virus is also now being linked to dementia, Alzheimer’s, and certain forms of arthritis. All these diseases are linked to a compromised immune system as well. It’s believed that the best treatment for herpes is a natural one that detoxes the body, enhances the immune system, and expels the virus from your system.

ResolveHerpes is a best product for the treatment for herper virus, For more information visit the website

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