The Benefits Of Visiting A Nose Doctor In Fort Myers

by | Feb 18, 2014 | Health

A Nose doctor in Fort Myers provides effective treatments for conditions such as obstructed airways within the nose. They assist you with a deviated septum as well as conditions that may cause sleep apnea. These doctors also examine and diagnose nasal masses that are not only blocking airways but could also indicate other underlying and potentially dangerous conditions such as cancer. If you are experiencing difficulties due to conditions of the nose, you should contact Dr. Mark Montgomery and schedule an appointment.

Deviated Septums and Sleep Apnea

Individuals who were delivered by the usage of forceps may sustain a nasal injury known as a deviated septum. When this occurrences, the nasal canal is displaced which presents an obstruction of the airway. This obstruction can also lead to sleep apnea which implies that you are not receiving an adequate amount of oxygen while you sleep. This condition can cause you to feel exhausted when you awake and additionally cause you to snore in an attempt to gain an adequate amount of oxygen when you are asleep. A nose doctor can remedy both conditions by repairing the deviated septum.

Local Ears, Nose, and Throat Doctor

Dr. Mark Montgomery offers medical treatment for conditions that affect the ears, nose, and throat. He treats conditions that affect the nose and airways such as sinus diseases, abnormalities, and masses that are discovered during examination. With proper treatment, this doctor can discover detrimental diseases that affect the nose at an early stage. He can also correct abnormalities such as a deviated septum which could present obstruction of the airway. This doctor can also find an effective solution of sleep apnea which could present you with a permanent remedy. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Montgomery contact his office locally or visit his website.


Your Nose doctor in Fort Myers treats a wide spectrum of conditions that affect the way in which you breath as well as conditions that could present further hindrances if left untreated. For instance, a deviated septum could present the probability of airway obstruction. As your nose doctor can explain to you this condition occurs after an accident in which your nose was struck or during your birth due to the usage of forceps. This condition can lead to sleep apnea in which you are not receiving enough oxygen during sleep. A nose doctor can provide effective treatments to correct these conditions.


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