For both children and adults with ADHD or Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder, finding a way to manage the condition without having to use pharmaceutical products is often an important consideration.
Many of the pharmaceutical options for ADHD treatment result in significant side-effects for some kids and adults. These side effects can include nausea, loss of appetite, difficulty in sleeping, dizziness, mood swings, tremors and tics and even issues with regulation of blood pressure.
With this in mind, many adults look to natural medicine for ADHD for themselves or for their children. There are several natural products that can be used to treat the symptoms of ADHD and, unlike the pharmaceutical counterparts, they tend to have limited if any side effects.
B Vitamins
There are several different B vitamins and all play a role in regulating different functions in the body. To maximize the effects of taking a supplement, be sure to take a complete B Vitamin complex. This will enhance oxygen levels in the blood, assisting with body functions and brain focus.
Foods To Add
Contrary to what many people think, mild stimulants actually work as a natural medicine for ADHD. Caffeine in coffee, teas and in energy drinks can provide that gentle stimulation without the jitters and nausea caused by prescription medications. Chocolate is also a good source of caffeine as well as a natural mood enhancer known as theobromine.
Fish oil supplements or consuming fatty cold-water fish like salmon is also a benefit to providing nutrients to the brain.
Herbal Options
Two of the best options in natural medicine for ADHD include adding gingko as well as ginseng to the diet. These two herbal ingredients are mild natural stimulants like caffeine. They can be found in energy drinks or taken in supplement form.
Many holistic medical professionals recommend specific types of diets to assist with the symptoms of ADHD. Removing processed foods and specific chemicals from the diet can have amazing results in children and adults.