What to Expect When Taking a Child for His or Her First Visit to an Optometrist in Derby, KS

by | Jun 1, 2018 | Health

Eye exams for children are very important, as up to a quarter of school-aged children experience problems with their vision and early detection of these problems can sometimes make the difference between good vision as an adult and suffering permanent vision loss. Read on to find out more about what to expect and how to prepare a child for his or her first visit to an Optometrist in Derby KS below.

When to Schedule

The American Academy of Optometry suggests that parents schedule their babies’ first exams at the age of six months; however, there are certain circumstances that may merit scheduling the visit earlier. These include low birth weight or low oxygen levels at birth, premature birth, a family history of congenital cataracts, retinoblastoma, or genetic diseases, and strabismus, known colloquially as crossed eyes. Parents whose children suffer from these potentially serious problems should speak with an optometrist as early-on as possible regarding when their first eye exams should be scheduled.

What to Expect

A baby’s sight is fairly well-developed by the age of six months, with most infants able to focus their vision, see colors, and judge depth. This allows eye doctors to evaluate pupil response, fixation and following, and preferential looking in order to measure an infant’s visual acuity, test his or her eye tracking skills, and evaluate his or her ability to fixate vision on specific objects. Parents should also expect to discuss the child’s birth, medical, and family history.

Common Vision Problems

Some conditions diagnosed by an Optometrist in Derby KS, such as nearsightedness or farsightedness and astigmatism, can be diagnosed at any age. There are, however, several conditions that tend to show up in childhood. These include amblyopia, known colloquially as a lazy eye; strabismus, or crossed eyes; and convergence insufficiency, a condition in which a child’s eyes don’t work together correctly to focus when reading or observing close-up objects.

On-Going Evaluations

It’s important that parents follow their children’s optometrists’ recommendations regarding both home care and scheduling appointments. Just because a child passes his or her first eye exam with flying colors doesn’t mean a potentially serious condition couldn’t develop. Visit Business Name online to learn more about optometry or call to schedule an appointment today.

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