Safe and Easy Ways to Dramatically Improve the Smell of Your Cat’s Breath

by | Dec 16, 2022 | Pet

While they’re not as known for having bad breath as dogs, our feline friends do have a tendency to get halitosis from time to time. There’s always the possibility that bad breath is actually the harbinger of a much more serious health problem, but in those cases it shouldn’t be too difficult to take steps that will help to improve it. Make sure that your cat gets plenty of water and always has a fresh bowl available. This will not only help their breath to smell better, but it should also improve their digestion.

Check your cat’s mouth for any food that might be stuck in their teeth and clear this out. Give them something hard to chew on if they have the jaws for it. There are cat treats for bad breath that can help with this problem. Best of all, natural cat treats for bad breath can also serve as a healthy dietary supplement as well as something that gets rid of the smell.

Eliminate any unsafe human food from their diet, since this can mess with the natural flora that lives inside of your cat’s mouth. While it’s cute to watch cats lick up bowls of milk, pasteurized dairy products actually aren’t all that good for them. Bovine milk should really only ever be a treat if it’s given at all.

You’ll also want to make sure that nothing noxious is in your cat’s reach, because there’s always the chance that a curious feline might want to pick up anything that interests them.

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