Endoscopy equipment is a necessary part of any hospital or clinic that treats patients for gastrointestinal issues. If your clinic is in Illinois and you are in need of endoscopy equipment, you can order online. In fact, some of the top equipment can be purchased this way, including the Stryker L9000. Additional components to the Stryker L9000 are also available.
The Main Component of the L9000
Most doctors think that the L9000 is a complete endoscopy machine. It isn’t. It is generally comprised of a single unit that emits light to aid in the endoscopy process, but it still requires cables and a connection to the viewing screen. However, if you only need the main component, you shouldn’t have to feel as though you have to buy all the extra equipment too. That’s where buying gently used equipment comes in handy.
Other Components
If you want more than just the basic L9000, you can also purchase the scope, the viewing screen, the connecting cables, the camera control unit, and the LED lighting source. Each of these typically costs extra and can be part of a package deal if that’s what you want. Otherwise, it is possible to buy one or more components separate of each other and separate of the L9000.
Be sure to get a high-quality viewing screen with crystal clear picture quality. That’s key when you make sure that you are seeing everything correctly.
To see what you can buy, check out Certified Endoscopy Products, LLC, via web.