Mobility problems often come with the aging process, but it’s not just older people who need help getting up and down stairs. Arthritis and diseases such as multiple sclerosis can affect younger people as well. Staying in a familiar home surrounded by a supportive community is important to many people, so they may not want to move into a single-floor home. Technological advances have made it easy to install a stair lift Pittsburgh PA into many homes. A stair lift can be placed on the front steps to make it easy for people to enter their home. Additional lifts can help the homeowner reach the basement or second floor. These simple changes can allow many people to continue to comfortably live in their own home.
There are many charlatans who attempt to prey on the elderly and handicapped, so people should always make sure that they are dealing with a reputable company. If a company has been doing business in the same city for decades, then it’s a pretty good bet that they have been treating customers well. Many of these devices are funded by insurance companies or Medicare, so it’s very helpful if the company can help their customers file the proper paperwork. They do this so often that they probably know exactly who to contact at most insurance companies or the social security office. This can make it much easier and faster to get a claim processed.
When picking out a stair lift installation in Pittsburgh PA to use in their home, the customer has to make sure that they can get in and out of it easily. A hand-held device gives people the most control over the operation. If they push a button and the device goes up or down the stairs without stopping, it could be difficult to get off in an emergency. There should also be an emergency power supply. In the event of a power failure the homeowner needs to know that they can get down to the first floor. They should ask about a service plan to ensure that they have minimal problems with their lift. They should also make sure that there is a multi-year warranty to protect against faulty parts. Call McArdle Surgical.