Choosing the Best Over-the-Counter Pain Medication for Spinal Injuries

by | Jan 7, 2020 | Pain Management Physician

If you were in a motor vehicle accident and suffered a spinal injury, you may need to take prescription narcotic medications. Your specialist in spine pain treatment in Jacksonville may only recommend these medications for short-term relief, and because of this, may suggest over-the-counter analgesics. Here are some things to consider when choosing an over-the-counter pain medication for your spinal pain.

Current Digestive Problems

If you have digestive or gastrointestinal problems, acetaminophen may be the best choice for your pain. Ibuprofen and naproxen sodium are known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, and while they both relieve pain and inflammation, they can cause stomach upset, acid reflux, and even diarrhea.

Acetaminophen is milder on the stomach, and while it is effective in relieving pain, it does little to reduce inflammation. The specialist in spine pain treatment in Jacksonville can help you determine which type of non-prescription pain medication is right for your individual situation.

Kidney Disease

If you have kidney disease, your pain doctor may recommend that you take acetaminophen. Naproxen sodium and ibuprofen can further damage your kidneys and are not recommended for those with renal problems.

These over-the-counter medications may also raise your blood pressure and cause fluid retention, which can further impair kidney function. Acetaminophen is less likely to cause fluid retention and elevated blood pressure. If you feel as though the pain relief effects of acetaminophen aren’t effective enough, your doctor may suggest that you enroll in a physical therapy program to help keep you more comfortable.

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