A common question when it comes to FUE hair replacement is whether the weather will affect the transplant. Hair transplant surgery requires a significant investment of time and money. It is therefore essential to know all the post-operative precautions you should take to ensure it’s a success.
Hot Weather
There is a misconception that hair transplants do better during summer, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth. The reason so many people opt for summer to do their transplant is that they are off work during summer. This gives you at least a few weeks to rest and relax after the procedure, promoting faster healing.
Unfortunately, summer, especially in Atlanta also means you will sweat, whether you engage in vigorous activities or not. This shouldn’t worry you though, as the doctor will show you how to clean the transplanted area safely. Remember that you should not use your regular shampoo to wash your head even if you feel sweaty and sticky.
It’s also important to stay away from direct sunlight for the first ten or so days after the procedure. Direct UV rays can hamper the healing process, and they are generally not good for your skin. If you must go outside, wear a loose hat that will protect you from the sun without rubbing your scalp and removing the grafted strands.
Cold Weather
Similarly, cold weather does not affect your hair replacement in any way. The heat from your body is enough to ensure the healing process continues well. However, you should wear a loose hat when going outside to protect your head from the elements. Winter weather provides the perfect cover for a hair transplant because nobody will wonder why you are wearing a hoody hat in the middle of the day.
So, what is the ideal time? While warm or cold weather does not affect the hair transplant, it’s crucial to choose a period where you have time to rest. Pick the slowest time in your year and have the hair replacement procedure then Hair Restoration Specialists.