Getting Tested And Using Infertility Treatments in San Antonio TX

by | Jun 21, 2014 | Health

There are millions of American men and women who are infertile. Many of these individuals are unaware of their condition until they attempt to have children. Women are often found to be more infertile than men. Doctors will classify a women as infertile if she’s unable to get pregnant after trying an entire year or more.

Dealing with infertility can be a very stressful hurdle for both men and women. If you and your partner are having difficulties getting pregnant, you should consult with a doctor right away. A doctor will want to know the frequency of your sex, your sexual habits, sexual history, your overall medical history, and whether or not you’ve been taking any medications. It’s important that all of this information is given before you receive any Infertility Treatments in San Antonio TX.

When testing a man a doctor will typically give a physical exam and analyze the man’s sperm count. For men, the problem is usually a low sperm count, complications with the vas deferens (“sperm tubes”) or simply erectile dysfunction. For women their could be an ovulation problem, or a problem involving the Fallopian tubes.

Infertility Treatments in San Antonio TX vary widely. Surgery is available for both men and women. For men, surgery may be used to fix any complications involving the vas deferens, in order to help the sperm travel more effectively. For women, doctors may elect to use surgery to remove excess tissue lining the uterus or to unblock the woman’s Fallopian tubes.

Certain medications and antibiotics can also be used to help treat infertility. Often times men and women suffer complications in their reproductive organs that can prevent them from having children. For men, antibiotics can be used to cure infections, while certain medications can be used to treat impotence. In order to help with ovulation, women may be treated with hormones and fertility drugs.

Talk with the doctors at the Fertility Institute of Texas. If the regular treatment options aren’t enough, doctors may elect to use some type of reproductive technology to assist you (i.e. in vitro fertilization, surrogacy, etc.). These types of treatments tend to have a very high success rate, and have helped millions of couples in the U.S.

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