How Stem Cells Help with Shoulder Pain Relief and Treatment

by | Aug 29, 2017 | Health

There are many possible causes for shoulder pain. It might be due to overexertion, trauma to the area, poor posture, overuse, instability in your shoulder joins, dislocation, fractures in your upper arm or collars, says WebMD. Tumors, muscle strain and even pinched nerves from TMJ problems can be probable causes as well.

Recovery through stem cell therapy

Shoulder pain treatment in Las Vegas NV using stem cell injections can be ideal for treating osteoarthritis of the joints which can affect your knees and hips as well as your shoulders and ankle joints. The process will involve the injection of stem cells into the area of injury. Once done, the regenerative effects of the injection will begin to have a positive healing impact on the tissues, stimulating the growth of new cells and connective tissues.

Length of time before benefits become apparent

Some patients respond to just one treatment while some might see full range of benefits by the third injection. Effects might take time to become apparent and can be different or each patient. Know more by talking to your doctor.

Length of time for the procedure

Shoulder pain treatment in Las Vegas NV through stem cell injections typically only require 3 hours. This is an outpatient procedure so it’s convenient to work it around your schedule. However, you might need to have someone else drive you home from the hospital or facility so be sure to bring someone along with you to your sessions.

Candidates for the treatment

Human bones weaken as we grow older. That’s why the elderly are particularly susceptible to shoulder injuries and pain, making them ideal candidates for the treatment. However, professional athletes with sports injuries can also benefit from the treatment. If you’ve sustained injuries from an accident, you might want to consider stem cell therapy for treating the damaged area.

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