Learn About Scar Treatment Minneapolis MN Methods

by | May 28, 2013 | Dermatology

Severe form of acne can lead to scarring. Scars can also occur because of forcibly picking and scratching the affected area. Most of the acnes can be treated with good results. Prevention is one of the best acne scar treatment methods. Having said that, it is important to squeezing the pimples or touching with bare hand the inflamed acne. Squeezing of acne forces infected fluid to permeate deeper into the skin. This results in more inflammation and scarring. Keep away from this activity at all costs and seek scar treatment minneapolis mn service for treatment, if need be. For more information, visit website.

To avoid complications, it is important to consult a dermatologist on acne scar treatment methods available. This will help in arriving at the most suitable option for you:

photodynamic therapy: This is a breakthrough acne treatment and falls into the group of acne light treatment. A light or laser is used to activate the photosensitizer drug. Activated drug are far more efficient at destroying the bacteria around cells that have been targeted.

Dermabrasion: This works on the scars that are close to the skin surface. It uses a speedily rotating wire brush to peel off the top layer of skin. This results in completely removing surface scars leaving scars that are deeper, which may not be as noticeable. This is a more conventional procedure and while widely used years ago, now is not used regularly due to the risk of transmission of viral diseases like hepatitis, which are blood borne.

Chemical peels and punch technique: Using chemicals is an ideal Scar Treatment Minneapolis MN option for treating milder acne scars. This method removes the top layer of the skin, which is most affected exposing an inner, smoother skin layer. When dealing with deeper acne scarring, a punch technique is used.

Subcision: This is an excellent treatment option for deep rolling scars. It breaks up the scar tissue beneath the skin surface, leading to the formation of a clot under the scar. This blood clot aids in the formation of connective tissue underneath the scar, making it level with the surface.

Collagen fillers: This has been used to elevate acne scars to reduce furrows and fissures.

Let you physician help you in choosing one of the Scar Treatment Minneapolis MN procedures above.


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