When you become injured, you may first visit an emergency room or your regular doctor. Once you have been stabilized, it is common to be sent to an orthopedic doctor. Fractures must be dealt with by a specialist. An orthopedic doctor might even refer you to physical therapy. Orthopedic care often takes several weeks to complete.
Bones can be cracked or broken when you are injured during many different activities. Sports and outdoor activities are often the culprit. Active individuals may experience fractures several times over many years of adventures. You may need to wear a sling or a cast, prescribed by orthopedic specialists, to hold your bones in the proper position for healing. Once this is removed, physical therapy may be necessary to restore proper use of arms, legs, or feet. Orthopedic specialists in Salt Lake City, Utah can make sure that you have the proper treatment. Detailed treatment plans are usually mapped out after proper tests, such as x-rays, have been done.
Long-term Care
When you must remain under the care of orthopedic specialists, you may have to commit to several weeks or months of treatment. It is important to follow the instructions for treatment. Otherwise, you may delay your recovery. Your long-term care program may include a healing period, follow up visits, and physical therapy. You may have to refrain from exerting yourself during this time. Browse our site to find out more about treatment details.
Take the time to consult with a specialist soon after your injury. If you wait too long to begin treatment, you may make the problem worse. This can make it difficult for your body to heal properly. When you are sent to an orthopedic doctor, there is usually a fracture or other complication with the bone. Make plans to be less active, take some time of work, or refrain from sports.