A TMJ dentist in Houston can help you with conditions that affect the jaw muscles, joint and nerves on the sides causing pain. TMJ is an acronym for Temporomandibular Joint and sometimes referred to as TMD. This condition can cause severe pain which is further enhanced by stress.
The number of people affected by TMJ is 10million and counting. It affects women more than men and is most common in the 20-40 age groups.
Discuss the symptoms of TMJ with a TMJ dentist in Houston
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms below, discuss your situation with a TMJ dentist in Houston. You might be suffering from TMD.
* Pain in the jaw joint or chewing muscles
* Dull ache in the temporomandibular joint and surrounding areas.
* Difficulties in normal functions of the jaw
* Pain or soreness in the jaw along with clicking or clicking or popping sound when opening or closing the mouth
* Swelling on the side of the face or ear ache even when there is no infection
* Stiffness of the jaw when talking or other operations involving the jaw
* Frequent headaches, sensitive teeth or difficulty in opening or closing your mouth
Discuss the causes of TMJ with a TMJ dentist in Houston
There are multiple factors that cause TMJ, most common being the ‘bite’ problem that effects the joint. When teeth are crowded with various interferences, it displaces the lower jaw resulting in repositioning the joints out of their sockets in order to fit the upper and lower teeth.
Normal wear and tear associated with aging, teeth clenching, or teeth grinding are other contributing factors to cause unevenness on the teeth and interfere with the jaw closure.
Other causes for TMJ are anatomical factors within the joint or surrounding muscles, arthritis or dislocation, diseases and genetics. TMJ is further aggravated by any physical activity that induces stress or abnormal function of the jaw like teeth clenching.
Discuss the treatment options for TMJ with a TMJ dentist in Houston
Most of the treatment options are simple and can be done at home but in some severe cases splints or mouth guards might be required.
Splint or mouth guard: Splint is required to reduce stress on the jaw and position it back on the socket. Your dentist will first evaluate your condition and X-ray results before deciding on the type of splints to be used.
Occlusal equilibration: This is the preferred method to treat TMJ. This technique involves selective reshaping of the biting surfaces of the teeth.
Structural disorders: Screening and diagnostics will determine the extent of structural disorder. The treatment might include splint or surgery.
Surgery: Arthrocentesis is a minor procedure wherein needled are inserted in the joint are to clean the area and reposition the joint. Arthroscopy surgery or open joint surgeries are other options from your TMJ dentist in Houston.
Talk to your TMJ dentist Houston to help you with the pain. TMJ can be severely painful when left untreated.