Signs That Indicate You Need to Make an Appointment With a Cardiologist

by | Jul 23, 2019 | Health

The human heart beats 100,000 times a day. That is why it is important to do everything that you can to protect this organ. You may need to see a cardiology care doctor in Miami, FL, to ensure that your heart is healthy, especially if you have a family history of heart attacks or other heart issues as well as an issue that’s been present from birth, which requires checkups from time to time. There are other reasons that you may need to see a cardiologist.

You Have Chest Pain

Chest pain is one of the most common symptoms that you may notice if you have a heart problem. There are many other non-heart-related conditions that can cause chest pain. However, if you experience shortness of breath, swelling of the legs, and pain that gets worse with activity, then you will need to see a cardiologist.

Chest pain can also indicate that you are having a heart attack. Call 911 immediately if you suspect that you are having a heart attack.

You Have High Blood Pressure

If your blood pressure is high, then it can put a strain on your heart. That is why if you have high blood pressure, then you will need to see a cardiologist. Your doctor can make sure that your high blood pressure has not done any damage to your heart. They can also give you the appropriate treatment.

You Are a Diabetic

There is a strong link between diabetes and heart disease. If you cannot keep your diabetes under control, then your blood vessel function can become impaired. Your cardiologist and primary care doctor can work together to come up with a treatment plan that will lower your blood pressure and protect your heart.

You Have a Family History

Genetics can put you at risk for heart disease. That is why if you have a family history, then you will need to see a cardiologist.

If you want to see a cardiology care doctor in Miami, FL, then you can contact Illumina Medical Centers at.

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