Top Steps for Finding the Right Nursing Home for Mom and Dad

by | Jul 10, 2017 | Health

The time you have been dreading for quite a while now has come. Your parents are no longer capable of taking care of themselves in their own home. You are on the lookout for a good nursing home in Lakeland area, but have heard so many horror stories about these type of homes that you aren’t sure what is good and what isn’t. With that in mind, read on below for a few steps you need to take to ensure the nursing home you choose for mom and dad is the right one.

Go on a “Just in Case” Tour

In many cases, you are scrambling to find a nursing home in Lakeland for your loved ones, as you were given a list when they came out of the hospital and have to find somewhere fast. It’s better, if you know this day is coming, to go on a few “just in case” tours of nursing homes in your area. Instead of rushing to find a nursing home and perhaps putting your parents somewhere that is not the right place for them have a nursing home picked out that will be ready and waiting when the time comes.

Listen and Learn

While you are on your tour, you will want to pay close attention to how the staff treats the residents. Do they seem friendly? Do the residents seem to like them or do they shy away from the staff? Are they talking about and to the residents with respect? If any of these things seem out of whack, then it’s best to move to the next nursing home on your list.

These are just a few of the steps you need to take when searching for a nursing home in Lakeland for your mom and dad. For more information, contact the professionals at Comfort Keepers for a tour.

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