When to Seek Treatment For Toenail Fungus in Jacksonville, FL

by | Dec 6, 2022 | Podiatrist

You may be dealing with nail fungus if you see a white or yellow spot under your toenail or fingernail. As the infection goes deeper, the nail will be affected even more. You may notice that the nails start to thicken, crumble, or become more discolored at the edge. Some people deal with nail fungus on several toes or fingers.

Some people do not need toenail fungus treatment in Jacksonville, FL. If the condition does not bother you and is mild, your doctor may not recommend treatment. However, if you are experiencing pain and the problem is bothering you, you can use various steps and medications to treat the issue.

One reason you may seek toenail fungus treatment in Jacksonville, FL is that you may be prone to it. It is common for older individuals, those who have had athlete’s feet in the past, and those who wear shoes that make their feet sweat a lot to experience toenail fungus. If you have a condition that affects your nails, like psoriasis, you want to treat toenail fungus as quickly as possible. It is also important for individuals who have a weakened immune system, blood flow issues, and diabetes to treat toenail fungus right away.

After your toenail fungus treatment, ask your doctor about preventing the problem. For example, they will likely recommend that you wear absorbent socks and keep your nails trimmed and clean.

Learn how the team at First Coast Foot and Ankle Clinic is committed to making sure that each patient they work with is treated with the utmost care by visiting this website firstcoastfootclinic.com.

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