Why Your Daytime Sleepiness Requires a Sleep Doctor in Calhoun, GA

by | Sep 21, 2023 | Dentist

Being tired during the day once in a while is fine. Being tired so often that you fall asleep while driving or doing typical daily tasks is not normal. Additionally, if you fall into a deep sleep with little to no warning, you might have a sleep disorder. A sleep doctor in Calhoun, GA can help.

Sleep Apnea

You do not need to snore or be overweight to be diagnosed with sleep apnea. In fact, many patients of average weight experience this disorder too. Looser muscles in the throat can close off breathing at night. People who sleep on their backs all the time frequently suffer sleep apnea. There are actually many causes, known and unknown, for this very common sleeping issue.

A CPAP machine prescribed by a sleep doctor from Calhoun, GA can correct daytime sleepiness. These machines keep the throat open while you sleep at night. Since you aren’t waking up every time you can’t breathe, you sleep better and deeper.


A significantly more serious sleep disorder, narcolepsy causes people to fall into a deep sleep with very little notice. The sleep may last just a few minutes or several hours. It can be very debilitating. A sleep study conducted by a licensed sleep doctor will determine if this is the cause of your constant sleepiness. Medication can help with this disorder.

Other sleep disorders exist. You need to be seen by a doctor to find out which disorder you have. Contact The Sleep Center at Pulmonary & Sleep Medicine, PC today.

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